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Friday, 23 April 2010


1 L coconut milk from grated coconut 1
50 g dark cooking chocolate
100 ml heavy cream
600 g seedless fruit durian,
freeze durian meat in the freezer until serving.
1000 g of ice shavings
Sugar syrup, boil until thick:
300 g sugar
200 ml water                                                                                       

  • Boil the coconut milk while stirring, stirring so as not to rupture. Remove, let cool. Set aside.
  • Melt the cooking chocolate, add heavy cream and stir well. Lift.
  • Take the frozen durian, enter into a serving glass base. Add sugar syrup, pour coconut milk, and add shaved ice.
  • Pour the melted chocolate. Serve cold.
Serves 6
Calories per serving: 451 cal

Monday, 19 April 2010


Durian is a tropical plant that originated from Southeast Asia, as well as the name of the fruit can be eaten. The name is taken from the skin of fruit typical of the hard and sharp grooved so as to resemble thorns. Variant names are also popular is the durian. Sundanese people call kadu.

     Indeed, plants with this name is not a single species but a group of plants of the genus (genus) Durio. But generally, what is meant by ordinary durian (without any additive) is the scientific name Durio zibethinus. While other types of durian can be eaten and are sometimes found in the local market in Southeast Asia among the D. kutejensis (lai), D. oxleyanus (kerantungan), D. graveolens (durian kura-kura or kekura), and D. dulcis (lahung). Furthermore, the description below durian Durio zibethinus referring to.

     Many people consider the durian fruit is delicious. People often call it the "king of fruits".
The annual tree, evergreen (leaf shedding depending on the season) but there are certain times to regenerate new leaves (flushing period). Growing up can reach a height of 40 m, often has a buttress root circumference durian tree (the root of the board). Pepagan (bark) is reddish brown, irregularly peeling. Tajuknya shady and tenuous.

     Ellipse-shaped leaves up to Lancet, 10-15 (-17) cm × 3-4,5 (-12.5) cm; located alternate; stemmed; stems pointed or blunt and sharp tipped ramp; side of the green light, the lower side covered with silvery scales or feathers with golden stars.Flowers (also men) came directly from the trunk (cauliflorous) or older branches, clustered in a bouquet of flower-shaped skein contains 3-10 or flat panicles. Flower buds rounded, about 2 cm in diameter, long-stemmed. Petal tube shape along lk. 3 cm, an additional sheath of leaf lobes split into 2-3 round eggs. The crown forms a spatula, about 2 × length of petals, number 5 strands, whitish. Benangsarinya lots, divided into 5 files; head putiknya hump shape, with a hairy stem.

     Flowers appear from dormant buds, blooms in the afternoon and lasted until a few days. This spread the aroma of fragrant flowers to attract bats as primary pollinators.
Durian fruit in the form of capsules are round, ovate to oval, with a length up to 25 cm and a diameter of up to 20 cm.kulit his thick, sharply angled surface ("thorn", so called "durian", although this was not a thorn in the botanical sense) , yellowish-green, brown, to grayish.

     Fruit develops after fertilization and requires 4-6 months for cooking. At the time there is competition antarbuah cooking in one group, so that only one or a few pieces that will reach maturity, and the rest fall. The fruit will fall itself when ripe. In general the weight of durian fruit may reach 1.5 to 5 pounds, so the durian plantation into a dangerous area during the durian season. If someone falls on the head, the durian can cause serious injury or even death.

     Each fruit has a 5 "rooms" (rooms), which indicates the number of leaf pieces owned. Each room occupied by a few seeds, usually 3 points or more, tapering to 4 cm in length, and brownish pink gloss. Beans wrapped by arilus (coated seeds, which are often referred to as "flesh fruit" durian) are white to light yellow with varying thickness, but at this arilus thickness superior cultivars can reach 3 cm. With the coated seeds in the seed trade is called pongge. Breeding durian is directed to produce small seeds with a thick-coated seeds, because this is part of the coated seeds eaten.

Thursday, 15 April 2010


FOR those of you try the durian lovers visit the shop Duren Duren. The new store opened last November 1, provides a variety of processed snacks made from durian. 

     Maria Irena, the owner of Duren Duren, said the initial idea was to open the restaurant because he saw not a single restaurant or restaurant menu specializing in processed durian fruit. "At first thought I think is unique also make a variety of foods from processed durian. And I see in Solo there is no, so then we decided to open the Duren Duren, "said Maria.

     There are some typical menus that you can enjoy in the store located on Jalan Slamet Riyadi No. 222. One is the Double Chocolate Duren. Menu This one is of course very suitable for penyukai enjoyed chocolate. Duren Double Chocolate is made from fresh durian, ice cream combined with chocolate and milk chocolate, and added with chopped chocolate. There was also a few pieces of ice cubes added to the menu follow this one.

    If anti-brown, do not worry there Montong Vanilla Duren who can be tried. A menu that is actually not much different from Duren, only ice cream that is used is vanilla ice cream and chocolate in it without incision.
But not like the menus that tend to have a sense of "westernized," then you can make Duren Java as an option. As a form of ice Dawet innovation, Duren Java comes with offering the traditional sense. Made from fresh durian, served with ice cendol, caramel, and chocolate milk, and do not miss the coconut milk sauce provides rich flavor and taste

 In addition to this typical menu, the tavern is open daily from 10.00 until 22.00 pm, some juice Duren. Simply spend Rp 12,000 you could already feel a 100 percent delicious juice made from the durian flesh.
Not only the drinks menu, store that has the slogan Every Day Feast Duren also provides a variety of snack made from durian. Among these are sus duren, nastar durian and durian pancakes. And Lampok Interestingly enough, that is typical of the original durian dodol Bengkulu area.
"For we brought Lampok directly from Bengkulu, so it's distinctiveness is maintained. From a variety of snacks is no favored buyers, nearly flat sales for all types, "says Maria.
Outside of these menus, there's still one more to become the mainstay Duren Duren and became the most booked, Fission Duren. Eits, do not think stuff first, "Fission Duren" in the menu here is just a name. By ordering Fission Duren delights you can experience the durian without any mixture or processed through stuff.

     "Usually the order Fission Duren to eat together. Buy a durian fruit, halved, then eat together here. Fission Duren indeed become the most ordered menu, probably because people prefer to eat durian and satisfied without any mixture of anything, "explained mother of three children.
Maria sure if the menu can be enjoyed by fans of durian at any time. Not just limited to the season. "In Thai durian montong had been cultivated so every day there must be, different from the existence of this durian season pass only. Hence our slogan 'Durian Feast every day,' because every day there's always durian, "explained Maria.

Thursday, 1 April 2010

Teri Fried Rice

Fried Rice - can be cooked with the share of variation, will create a shared sense of the kinds of delicacies. Currently, many who know the different variations of fried rice dishes, seafood such as fried rice, mushroom goat, pineapple, salted fish and even small fish.

Mr Muji Store in the city of Central Java Indonesia Purworejo, famous for its anchovies fried rice dishes are savory and much sought after customers. "My customers often come back to my store, and anchovies fried rice messages they come from different places and there are those coming from out of town Purworejo", clearly Muji shop proprietor tent in the street Veterans Plaza Complex Satria Purworejo.

Muji anchovy fried rice made even more tempting, because it uses ingredients such as flavor, salt, garlic, and chili. In order to strengthen the flavor, she uses margarine when cooking rice. He was using anchovies or anchovy rice field, to a mixture of fried rice racikannya.

Every day, Muji spent five kilograms of rice. Muji explained, five kilograms of rice, enough to make about 30 plates of rice fried anchovies. Muji store pack customers come from within the city itself and from outside Purworejo Purworejo district. There are even coming from the city, they stopped by the store Muji pack while on holiday in Purworejo.

Clearly Mr Muji, "They say delicious fried anchovies Mr Muji addictive." Every day, Mr Muji stores open starting at 05:00 pm until 10:00 pm GMT. Besides fried anchovies, the Muji store pack is also available various types of cuisine China food menu.

Fresh and Hot Dishes Soups Leg of Goat

LEG and goat heads, in addition to cooked and bacem tongseng (sweet cooking), goats can also be built into various dishes. One of them is a goat leg soup dish with the sauce of fresh, warm, savory and sweet to taste.

For lovers and fans of leg of lamb stew dish, can try the result of observation and creation food stalls cooking goats, who were on the road Gejayan Pelemkecut CT X / 1 A Sleman, Yogyakarta, which is managed by the couple and Srilistyadewi Satino Budi. This menu, including the most favorite dish is much interested buyers. Even when customers and buyers eat leg of lamb soup mix, they can immediately enjoy the leg of lamb; beef cheeks, and tongue, soft goat with a delicious taste.

Budi explains to gain legs and soft goat's head, he had to boil a goat less than about 1 hour. Then the sauce is made soup broth with herbs and spices including nutmeg, cegkeh, cinnamon, SERE leaves, ginger, bay, onion, oil, shortening.
When the material will be presented added salt, soya sauce, sliced loncang, tomatoes, celery, onion, lime juice and lime juice and chips.

Feet and head, a goat stew, very popular and preferred customers because they do not contain cholesterol so high. Customers and buyers who liked the spicy flavor and sweet chilli sauce and soy sauce can add according to taste each of them.

Originally kiosks meatball mind, but over time the mind began serving soup, leg of lamb that is now popularly known as "The Mbing" and fried duck with the term "Si-Duck", was received encouraging response from buyers pelenggan both from the family, officials employees or offices in the surrounding streets Gejayan.

Buyers or customers can enjoy a menu such as duck or fried meatballs. Prioritize taste and friendly service and memorable, is characteristic of existing in a stall owned by Budi. For buyers who love to eat with lesehan (sitting below by using the mat) in a stall where the mind is also provided, so that visitors can be more relaxed and enjoyable as eating a leg of lamb stew or other dish. "The price of our dishes are very affordable place, so that all people can come and enjoy the warmth of the soup, goat legs," added Budi.
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